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WMCC Race Fees – Prepaid – Jul to Dec 2022

The fee for Sunday races will continue at $15.

PREPAID RACE FEES It’s time to pre pay your race fees for the period Jul to Dec 2022.
Waratah members (including Add-On Members) pay $150 – this is a bargain $6 per race assuming 25 races over the 6 month period. Non Waratah members pay $200 which means you race for FREE after 13 races.

The easiest and most accurate way to pay is go online and pay by EFT.

PAY TO: Waratah Masters CC

St George Bank

BSB 112 879

Acc No 098 120 801

Make sure you put your name on the transaction when you pay.
Alternatively you can pay cash or by EFTPOS on any race day when you sign in. Please make sure the sign-on desk records your details.

Paul King – WMCC President/Handicapper