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JACK’S BLOG – Do we live in space or in time?

The COVIDSafe App does not collect location information – just time.
This is because once we have the time, everything in this universe can be discovered.
Captured by time
Google sends me my timeline on a regular basis – just to let me know that it has a lot of data about me. Just by nominating a time, there is enough data to be able to locate exactly where I am – including everything that is going on around me.
9am September 11th 2001.
Mention this time anywhere in the world, and it defines an event at a precise location. There is no need to use the X,Y and Z coordinates.
Here in Sydney, it was almost mid night and shortly to become September 12th. But I (and everyone else in the world – whatever their time zone) still remember it as the morning of 9/11.
The right time
Decades ago, when I used to wear a watch, people would walk up to me and ask: “What is the right time?”. I would show them my watch face and they would nod and walk away satisfied. They had the right time.
A well-functioning watch only tells chronological right time and we all believe that this is the right time.
The watch on my wrist only told ‘my time’. So, if I told you that the first plane hit the twin towers around 11pm on Tuesday night, you will tell me that I had the wrong time. It should be 9am on Tuesday morning. So, which time is right?
There is no right time.
It is just TIME.
The right place
I tell people I live in Sydney. People all over the world can picture Sydney and it will roughly be able to place me in the right location.
Alternatively, if I say that I am at 6.30am AEST, someone may be able to use this to paint a picture of me on the harbour bridge watching the sun rise.
If I gave Google a time, it would most certainly be able to tell me where I was, the weather conditions, who was close to me etc. All it needs is a time.
It has suddenly dawned on me that I do not live in the X,Y & Z dimension. I live purely in the time dimension. Everything else can be triangulated from that data point.
Give me the time… and I will be at the right place.
Time needs no space
For things to be real, we need to give it boundaries. These boundaries are the three dimensions that give us the sense of space.
Thus, everything that is real takes up space. We live in a body that takes up space. We gather things that take up space and live in houses that have lots of space. Eventually we run out of space. So, we try to get more space
I have a ‘spacetime dilemma’.
Where do I put the fourth dimension of time?
It is a ‘zero’ dimension and needs a clock to integrate it into space and give it some sense of reality. When we need more room for physical stuff, we ask time for help.
…and time just soaks it all up.
But try packing 60 years of time in a suitcase. How big a suitcase do you need?
Why do we sleep?
We lead perception deficit lives. We sleep a third of our lives – yet know little of why we sleep.
We know that our body and minds go into hyperdrive during sleep. And we don’t have to do anything to allow this to happen.
During sleep, our bodies are locked into a fetal position and completely useless in making things and enjoying the fruits of our labour. And it is in this useless position that fresh life is breathed into us
About the only things that we remember about our sleep are the dreams. Isn’t it odd that we can create elaborate structures in our dreams – yet need no space to do it in.
We can create a dream life. And we don’t need any stuff to do it.
Give time and get space
As I reflect over my timeline which stretches almost 63 years, a lot of things have been created and I have accumulated a lot of stuff. But whilst I share the same time with everyone and everything in existence, I do not share the stuff. I have created a whole personal world. And so have everyone else.
II did not need the space to create my personal world – just the time. And with this time, I make space. Space to have things and space to do things. I make data.
With this data, Google can give me my physical space (and perhaps even what I am thinking) when I tell it a time.
But rather than a timeline, TIME seems to behave like an endless fabric – with no dimensions. Google hasn’t figured this out yet.
As I take the time to explore TIME, I have discovered more space that extends beyond physical space.
It is a space without data.